
SecureReports Instructions

SecureReports is a service like SendFiles, except it is secured behind a VPN and requires the use of an ArchPass.

Accessing SecureReports

Instructions specific for International Finance (Instructions are MyID password protected)

SendFiles at UGA

Using the Website

Go to in your favorite browser and click on your 'Folders' link.

Here you may see other folders being shared with you. To access your files click the link that reads 'Home', then click the folder with your myid name and you should now see your folders.

You can now begin uploading files to this directory or create a new folder or use one of the existing folders. Once you are ready to upload your file click the 'Browse' button at the bottom of the page. Locate the file on your computer/network drive, enter any applicable note and finally click upload.

Now the file is ready to be shared. Click the check box of the file you'd like to share and click the 'Send Files' button. Just fill in the recipients for the email and any necessary subject or message text and click send.