Recommended Browser Security Extensions
The listed browser extensions do not cost money. They are supported on a donation basis, so you may feel inclined to donate "beer" money to the developer.
These extensions have been suggested based on their popularity. It is okay to install all of them but, for first timers, you may want to install them one at a time and test how it affects your browser's behavior. I have also listed below the level of expertise each one requires and that should help you determine which one you can install without worry.
AdBlock and Adblock Plus block certain scripts serving advertisements on a website. Instead of more general script-blocking, like ScriptSafe (below), Adblock focuses on blocking just advertisements.BetterPrivacy and Ghostery
Block tracking requests according to their source address in two ways: Cookie Blocking and Cookie Protection(Ghostery). When Cookie Protection is enabled, if a cookie is selected, it is not accessible to anyone but the user and thus unable to be read when called upon.HTTPS Everywhere
This extension help you secure the connection between your browser and the server(s) it is connecting to. It helps to encrypt your connection when possible, even when the default setting on the web site does not offer the added security.ScriptSafe and NoScript
Blocks scripts such as JavaScript, Flash, Quicktime, and more from loading in your browser window. The reason it works so well for security purposes is that malicious web sites can use these scripts as attack vectors in order to cause a browser crash and to gain access to your computer. By blocking these scripts you can make yourself significantly safer on the web.Web of Trust
Web of Trust is a safe browsing tool, which warns you about risky sites that cheat customers, deliver malware or send spam. Traffic-light rating symbols show which websites you can trust for safe surfing, shopping and searching on the web.**NEW** Dashlane - Password Manager
Dashlane secures and manages your online passwords. Dashlane can also automatically fill out all online form fields with one click and store all the info you needed to buy online in a secure place. Dashlane does not require administrative privileges to install.Installing Browser Extensions
The Chrome and Firefox browser extensions do not require computer adminstrative privileges to install!
Extensions are organized by how easy they are to use and setup.
Extension Name | User Rating | Level of Ease to Use |
AdBlock and Adblock Plus | 4.66 User Rating | Easy |
HTTPS Everywhere | 4.51 User Rating | Easy |
Web of Trust | 4.59 User Rating | Easy |
Ghostery | 4.78 User Rating | Intermediate |
ScriptSafe | 4.05 User Rating | Advanced |
User ratings were collected on 12/5/2014.
Extension Name | Level of Ease to Use |
Adblock Plus | Easy |
HTTPS Everywhere (External website) | Easy |
Web of Trust | Easy |
BetterPrivacy OR Ghostery | Intermediate |
NoScript | Intermediate |
Internet Explorer (Links are to external sites)
The Internet Explorer browser extensions require administrative privileges to install.
Can I install these extensions on my iPad or iPhone? - As of March 2014, there is no support for installing extensions to your browser on an iPad/iPhone. However, browsing from these devices is a little more secure due to the lack of flash support.
Useful Websites
- How to Harden Your Browser Against Malware and Privacy Concerns
- This is a great and comprehensive article on keeping your computer safe.
- EITS - Office of Information Security
Cookie - usually a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity. See an actual cookie file.